I love to get lost in a puzzle. It takes me to a world of creativity and provides the brain a break from facts and figures.

10. The finished puzzle is more beautiful than the imitation on the box. When we get to heaven, it will be indescribable!
9. Enjoy the journey – the fun is in the challenge. When it is done, the experience is over, so make the most of the process.
8. Not everyone likes jigsaw puzzles. And that’s ok. It’s ok to be on your own adventure; not everyone else has to be a part of your puzzle.
7. The picture on the box doesn’t always represent the finished puzzle. One puzzle came in a generic package; you had to figure it out on the fly. Life is a lot like that… ya gotta figure it out as you go.
6. Sometimes you have to look at a puzzle from a different angle to see nuances of colors and shading. When I sit at a different spot at the table, the picture presents a different view. Many times I need a new perspective in order to finish the job in front of me.
5. Some pictures on the box are at a different magnification than the puzzle. Sometimes my view of life’s problems get blown out of proportion. When I look at it too long, I lose sight of the desired goal.
4. The colors on the piece can be deceiving. A piece may look completely out of place, until it is in the right place. Just so, the moods of my day don’t determine a true picture of my circumstances.
3. Some puzzles have a tighter cut or angled ones. So, too, life doesn’t always fit neatly in the designated peg. Work hard; press in with prayer.
2. Forcing a piece to fit in makes it more difficult when the right one needs to go in that spot. If I force something to work into my life, it creates emptiness when the Lord wants to complete me. God’s timing requires waiting until He wants to use that piece.
1. Holes in the picture just mean the puzzle isn’t finished. Life has holes, too. We have questions. We’re looking for missing pieces. It doesn’t mean I’m a ruined picture, just not finished, yet.
Is life puzzling? Let prayer help you sort out the pieces.

Beautiful devotional – great way to look at the puzzle of life!
Thanks Debbie! The pandemic certainly has us all puzzling!