Do you struggle with knowing how to pray for your child? Corine Hyman provides help in her book, I Will Be Praying For You.

Corine Hyman is a clinical psychologist and a foster parent. She understands the intricacies of a mom’s day and the need to step back and recommit that little one to the Lord. Corine has also written Jaden Goes to Foster Care, My Journey with Jesus Christ, Studying the Women of the Bible: A 60-Day Journal, and God and Snow. Her books help “to stimulate discussion and interaction between children and the adults who care for them.” Corine’s “research includes the treating and understanding the long terms impacts of trauma on development, parent-child attachment/engagement and assessment issues.”
One of my earliest memories of prayer stems back to third or fourth grade. My parents were missionaries on a small island, and medical help was sparse at the time. I must have been very sick, because I remember our kind pastor coming to our house to pray over me.
I also had grandmothers who covered me with prayer throughout the tough formative years. I felt cared for and loved, and motivated to carry on that prayer support for my grands.
Corine uses the stages of life to show the prayers that equip it. In pregnancy, the toddler stage and beyond, moms are shown ways to pray over their children using passages of Scripture to form their prayers.
Prayer is a precious gift we give to our families. As we pray for them, we ask the Lord to work on their behalf. But, it is also a gift we give ourselves. Deuteronomy 4:7 says the Lord is near us when we pray to Him, so we are inviting Him into the circumstances that threaten to rob us of the relationships we crave.
Get a copy of this sweet book. Corine models prayer and the passages that inspire it, in fresh and real ways. She will remind you of the power of being your child’s prayer warrior and reconnecting with the One who knows each one of our needs!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of I Will Be Praying For You from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.