Old Paths and Ancient Markers is a call to action. It is a fitting of armor for the battle waged against the truth of God’s Word. M.K. Gantt says, “We are faced in our generation with a committed, concentrated, and full-frontal assault on the integrity and authority of the Word of God.”
“In his more than fifty years of public ministry Michael Gantt has served as a youth pastor, senior pastor, and gospel musician. He has written and directed numerous musical dramas for the stage. Michael is the author of six books including Cry Mercy, Cry Repent, and Sleeping Near the Ark. He is a frequent speaker for local congregations as well as men’s conferences, writers’ conferences, and mission events.”
Old Paths and Ancient Markers presents a clear case for Truth. Not individual truth, but Truth established for all to follow by the God who decreed it. As disciples who guard the treasure of the Gospel, we are a part of a long line of those who preserve the integrity of the message for the next generation.
Michael contends there is no place more important to the expansion of the kingdom of God, than the home. The home is God’s plan for sharing the message, teaching its values, and growing disciples. The home is where God intended His love to be modeled, lived out and passed on. It is the place where sacrificial love is best revealed.
Chapter 13 provides a vulnerable reveal of Michael’s life. It shows how his passion for the family was shaped in growing up without one. And then, in his years of having one, neglecting it. His own wakeup call became a clarion call for other fathers to also rise to the challenge to invest in their children. He says it is never too late to reclaim your family, and reminds of David’s army when Ziklag had been ransacked. God told David to “Pursue, overtake, and recover!”
Old Paths and Ancient Markers makes you squirm, yet eager to join the charge to reclaim the family as God’s center for instruction. It is a timely reminder to all disciples to stand up and be counted in the current events of our nation. We can no longer let someone else determine our value systems and morals. God’s Word is constant and true. It will never be out of date because God’s mercies are new every morning.
Get a copy of Old Paths and Ancient Markers for yourself. Use it as a study for your small group. But most of all let it point you back to the Bible as your measuring stick. It is the precious Word of God!
Disclaimer: I received this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.