For the first time in 22 years of living in western New York, the Governor declared a State of Emergency before a storm actually hit. All of the weather maps show a major snow event colliding with an air mass coming from the opposite direction.
A trip to get groceries is due.
The gas tank needs to be filled up.
It feels good to be prepared.
Yet the storm didn’t come as predicted for our area. And people scoffed. “We’re hardy New Yorkers,” we said. “We can take a few feet of snow.”
In 2,000 years of proclaiming the message of Christ’s birth, repeatedly the warning has been sounded, “Get ready. Christ is coming again.”
But the storm hasn’t hit yet, and so people are doing business as usual. “We’re strong,” we say. “We’re gonna live forever.”
What’s in my pantry?
Is there salvation?
Devotion to God’s Word?
Have I filled up my gas tank with God’s presence in my life?
It feels good to be prepared, yet, what about my neighbor?
Does the gal in the checkout line know the message of Jesus?
How about the boy who put gas in my car yesterday?
We weren’t put on this earth to go our jolly own way. It reminds me of Mordecai’s words to his niece, Queen Esther, “Maybe you have been positioned in this place, for such a time as this.”
We were born into this generation for a reason. There are people next to us every day who yearn to know the purpose of life. Jesus said He came to bring fullness. If we don’t tell them about Jesus, then who will? They need to know there is a Resurrection Day coming, when we will give an account for our lives. And the One who is coming, is the One who loves us most.
If we put so much effort into preparing for a snow storm, wouldn’t we do so much more for an even greater day, The Day that will determine where we spend eternity?
Wow Sally! Great piece using our recent storm mixed with God’s declaration of state of emergency!
The commonalities are uncanny!