What do used cookie sheets have in common with working at an upscale culinary shop? It all comes down to a valuable lesson in gratitude for Kendra, when old Mr. Vann shares pans from his own mother’s kitchen.
Author, Lori Lipsky knows her craft. She carries a story well and draws the reader into the narrative, like a scene from a storybook.
Lori says, “Stories make you feel. They transport you from your own life to another reality. Stories provide escape, make you think, and help you see from a new perspective.”
And, she’s right. The stories provide a peek into human behavior and sometimes mirror our own responses. When seen from another angle, they give pause to revisit how we interact with others.
Lori calls Used Cookie Sheets flash fiction spotlighting slivers of life. She says, “Short fiction is perfect for readers short on time, and that describes many of us these days.”
You’ll read about a match-making mom, a persistent mom, and the domino effect our actions have on those around us. Some stories are a few paragraphs, others are a few pages, but all create wonder at things we take for granted.
If you are short on time, but need a brief reprieve, grab Lori’s book, Used Cookie Sheets. You’ll be transported immediately!
I am giving away a copy of Used Cookie Sheets to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held Saturday morning, August 7. Tell me about your favorite reading nook. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).