What does it mean to #beYOU: Change Your Identity One Letter at a Time? Kolleen Lucariello says, “There are some things we are never too old to learn.” She tells of looking for purpose when her children left for college and realizing God views us differently than we view ourselves.
Kolleen Lucariello is the mom of three, and wife to Pat. She is Executive Director of Communication and Content at Activ8Her, Inc, “a ministry that serves as a catalyst for women to activ8 growth in three areas: spiritually, leadership skills, and relationship skills.”
#beYOU is a call to transformation. Kolleen uses each letter of the alphabet to examine a life submitted to the Lord and the remodel of a person’s character. After unpacking the word representing that letter, the chapter exercises take the reader to the next level by adding the ABCs.
Activate: start the work
Become: come into existence and #beYou
Confess: declare in faith
#beYOU is not just a nice devotional, it is an agent for life-change. I do not recommend speed-reading through to the end; take time to digest the meaty discussions and process what they look like in relation to your day-to-day interactions.
Kolleen’s unique insights bring refreshment to a thirsty soul. She reminds us “God desires that we walk in the fullness of who He created us to be.”
Topics include loneliness, acceptance, and compromise. Kolleen’s vulnerability makes me feel like she understands me and the battles I face. The illustrations she uses pull fresh meaning out of Bible passages, and encourage me to dig deeper into those passages for myself. One example is from Chapter E: Established. Kolleen says we can liken David’s miry pit to quicksand. Yet, God, our Rock, pulls us out of our muck to stand with firm footing in His Word.
In Chapter F: Forgiven. “Holding a grudge is like a high-paying job; I pay the high cost.”
And, the Samaritan Woman, “The woman who once avoided the crowd became the woman running to the crowd.”
#beYOU provides an in-depth look at our identity in Christ and in finding security “where I can see myself the way He sees me.” I wholeheartedly recommend this for your library and for those on your gift list. It will delight and inspire you!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Sounds like a great book! Will have to read it!