All posts by Sally Ferguson

Hi! My name is Sally Ferguson and I have been a freelance writer since 1996. Over 100 devotionals have been published in Pathways to God (Warner Press). I’ve also written for Chautauqua Mirror, Just Between Us, Adult Span Curriculum and Thriving Family. Warner Press released my coloring book, What Will I Be When I Grow Up? January 2006. As a speaker, I enjoy connecting with women and seeing them find affirmation for the phase of life they face daily. I am passionate about helping women find encouragement from God’s Word, as well as supplying the tools to help them apply what they’ve learned there. I love organizing retreats and seeing relationships blossom when we take time away from our daily routine. Our Women’s Retreat just celebrated its 10th Anniversary! Parenting has its own set of challenges. My kids are grown but the nest keeps growing. Join me on the journey as we figure it out together!

Book Review & a Giveaway: Used Cookie Sheets

Used Cookie Sheets

What do used cookie sheets have in common with working at an upscale culinary shop? It all comes down to a valuable lesson in gratitude for Kendra, when old Mr. Vann shares pans from his own mother’s kitchen.

Author, Lori Lipsky knows her craft. She carries a story well and draws the reader into the narrative, like a scene from a storybook.

Lori says, “Stories make you feel. They transport you from your own life to another reality. Stories provide escape, make you think, and help you see from a new perspective.”

And, she’s right. The stories provide a peek into human behavior and sometimes mirror our own responses. When seen from another angle, they give pause to revisit how we interact with others.

Lori calls Used Cookie Sheets flash fiction spotlighting slivers of life. She says, “Short fiction is perfect for readers short on time, and that describes many of us these days.”

You’ll read about a match-making mom, a persistent mom, and the domino effect our actions have on those around us. Some stories are a few paragraphs, others are a few pages, but all create wonder at things we take for granted.

If you are short on time, but need a brief reprieve, grab Lori’s book, Used Cookie Sheets. You’ll be transported immediately!

I am giving away a copy of Used Cookie Sheets to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held Saturday morning, August 7. Tell me about your favorite reading nook. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).


Book Review & a Giveaway: An Anointed Mess

An Anointed Mess

An Anointed Mess: life may feel topsy-turvy, but have you ever thought your disjointed chaos could be anointed? Karen Pennington does, and proceeds to help us discover the daily adventure of grace.

Karen Pennington is a podcaster, a writer, and involved in education and ministry. She is passionate about the Bible and teaching. Karen is a storyteller who will link arms with you to unveil “the divine drama of grace.”

Beginning with a great hook, Karen says, “The Bible is the world’s largest anthology of seriously messed up people.” After compiling a long list of dysfunctional characters, it’s easy to see we’re going to connect; we can all relate to things gone awry for people who struggled just like us. Karen promises our worst can “become a catalyst for experiencing God’s glory beyond our wildest dreams.”

Karen brings a fresh perspective to familiar stories. She says, “In the case of Adam and Eve, shame over their nakedness had little to do with their apparent lack of clothing. Rather, eating the fruit made them aware of the mess they had created. They covered the outside as an attempt to shield the inner brokenness. They masked their bodies in an attempt to hide their hearts.”

Another example is from the night Jacob wrestled with an angel. Karen says, “Jacob, the heal grasper, became Israel, the man who ‘struggles with God.’ That night he changed from a man who always grabbed for what belonged to others into a man who reached for that which God had longed to give him all along.”

I am reminded to let go of my illusion of control, and instead, submit to God’s design. “The Lord does not call us to do for God, but rather to be with God, to rest in our heavenly provider’s embrace, and to allow God to do through us. Everything that we do, say, and feel can come as an overflow of the empowerment of God’s embrace and the knowledge that God has things under control.”

When God seems far away, remember your “loving heavenly Father stands, invisible but not unseen, taking care of everything.”

I am giving away a copy of An Anointed Mess to one reader in the continental United States. I know you will love it because the personal illustrations connect you to an author who provides excellent background to Biblical examples. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held Sunday night, July 11. Tell me a verse that endears you to God’s grace. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).


Disclaimer:  I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Interview with Athena Dean Holtz, on the “All Things Podcast.”


God enables us to see our break-downs as opportunities to experience His glory & grace. ~ Karen Pennington

Book Review & a Giveaway: Words of Endearment

Words of Endearment

Bill Coker has turned The Ten Commandments inside out, in his book, Words of Endearment. Bill says The Ten are a revelation of God’s love. Is that a new thought for you? It was for me.

Dr. William B. Coker, Sr. is the pastor behind the sermon. “Most of Bill’s ministry has been connected with teaching and pastoring. He served as a professor at Asbury Theological Seminary, and professor and dean at Asbury College (University). His pastoral ministry started in Louisiana, then Mississippi and Kentucky, and ended in Indiana at World Gospel Church as senior pastor for 19 years. He retired in 2008.”

Ann Coker, Bill’s wife, partnered to bring the sermons to life in written form. Also a writer of her own works, “Ann has written a companion book for John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, connecting Scripture and personal life.”

Words of Endearment promises to unveil God’s expression of love through

  • integrity, not perfection
  • healthy boundaries
  • relevant questions in society
  • developing social conscience
  • action steps

Words of Endearment brings context to The Ten Commandments as a revelation of who God is and has always been. As it unwraps the layers of meaning surrounding each commandment, it shows how the commandments link together and set the pattern for the new commandment of the Savior to come.

An interesting point, monotheism, or the worship of one God, began with Israel. All nations surrounding them were polytheistic, worshipping many gods. Israel needed guidelines to know how to approach a holy God. Bill says, “Where the first four words (commandments) direct our attention to God’s place in our lives, in our speech, and in our worship, the fifth word looks to the significance of the family. It would be easy to say the fifth word marks a break, but when we look at it more closely in terms of the first four words, we find a natural progression taking place.”

“The next set of commandments – thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not bear false witness, and thou shall not covet – all flow out of the relationship first established in the home.”

Bill says, “We do this… so our culture itself might survive.”

Words of Endearment presents an important look at how God provided a way for His people to deal with the fallenness of the human heart in order to thrive in the world He provided.

Written in conversational tone, Words of Endearment is a book you’ll love to dig into and savor. There are questions at the end of each chapter to help process the material, whether for personal reflection or group interaction, and the text will wash over you in a loving response to the message.

I am giving away a copy of Words of Endearment to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held on Monday, June 21. Tell me a verse that endears you to God’s love. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).


Disclosure of Material: I received a copy of Words of Endearment from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Control Freak

I like to know what’s coming. It’s a form of control, I suppose, and lets me believe I am able to keep a handle on the uncontrollable aspects of life. But it’s an illusion. And it cheats me out of a deeper relationship with the Lord when I rely on my own resources.

This independence is highlighted while I write a Bible study for caregivers. I think in short bites, but a whole book requires volumes of words. I despair of coming up short.

Monday night at Writers Group, we talked about Edie Melson’s prompt from Hebrews 11:1, “What does writing in faith mean to me?”

Do I believe God provides the words? Am I writing in faith that He opens the doors?

Cindy Hess Kasper’s devotion in Our Daily Bread “reminds us to bring what we have, even when it seems to be insignificant.”

She tells the story of the disciples’ assignment in John 6:1-14. They stumbled upon the boy in the crowd who brought his sack lunch, but Jesus knew he was there with willing hands and heart. Cindy quotes an unknown source who said, “You don’t have to feed the five thousand. You just have to bring your loaves and fishes.”

If I release control to the Lord’s purposes for this Bible study, then He will feed others with His words. I don’t have to have it all figured out; I just bring my words, willingly, and He does the nourishing.

What are you asking God to multiply? Tell me in the comments.


Here’s my Writer’s Hall of Fame:

In faith, I am asking God for the theme.

In faith, I am trusting He will supply the word count.

In faith, I am asking whether I should self-pub or traditionally publish.

In faith, I am sharing stories of difficult times, so that it can encourage others.

In faith, I am seeking to unlock scripture to bring it alive for readers.

In faith, I am trusting God will provide the audience.

In faith, I am following the call to write.

In faith, I am using creative expression.

In faith, I am developing skill with the craft.

In faith, I will obey with my sardines and crackers.

By faith, I am a writer.

Sally Ferguson

Book Review & a Giveaway: Reclaimed

Reclaimed by Gina Stinson

Do you have situations and relationships that need to be reclaimed? Gina Stinson says we can find hope in every story, and has created a backdrop for making that happen.

Gina Stinson is a pastor’s wife and mom of two teenagers. She delights in sharing stories of how God turned difficult situations into reclaimed ones, and is a gifted storyteller.

Reclaimed: The Stories of Rescued Moments and Days is a treasure you’ll pick up again and again. It lets you see yourself in another’s shoes, and yet, feel the author knows you.

Gina reminds us to

  • Let people into our hearts, and embrace new relationships.
  • Let God redeem our imperfections and call them beautiful.
  • Cherish the beauty and hardship of friendship.
  • Know that even as adults, we fail, but we get back up.
  • Reclaim pieces for God’s use.
  • Worship God through everyday work.

I like Gina’s writing style. Most every devo has a phrase that jumps out as a turning point, an “ah-ha” moment. And, I love the way she spins the example from a story into a learning statement. It shows me how to reclaim my own difficulties!

Gina says, “When you feel the pangs of exasperation flooding your soul, when plans haven’t gone according to the planner or when you’re feeling depleted, embrace the mercy for that day—the new mercy—perfectly measured out in the perfect dose for you and me.”

I am delighted to not only be an endorser for Reclaimed, but to give away a copy to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held on Saturday, February 13. Tell me a story of something you have recycled into a new object, or, of a situation that has been reclaimed. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).


Disclosure of Material: I received an Advance Reader’s Copy from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.


Book Review & a Giveaway: She Walked Before Us

She Walked Before Us

She Walked Before Us provides a refreshing look at the life lessons we face, through the obstacles our Biblical counterparts faced. The narrative gives a background peek into how women might have responded in that day, knowing the human race has faced daunting odds across the boundaries of time. Do we struggle with hate and happiness, bitterness and in finding better attitudes? Women in the Bible did, too, and we can learn from them in this journey of life.

Jill Eileen Smith is the author of She Walked Before Us, as well as series on Daughters of the Promised Land, Loves of King Solomon, The Wives of King David, and The Wives of the Patriarchs.

In She Walked Before Us, we face the mirror of the human condition, and ask questions about motive, trust and control. The characters remind us control is an illusion, but God loves us through everything. We explore the difficulty of forgiving hurts and wounds, knowing pain rarely leaves us the same. Know this: courage to forgive is a grace God gives. You don’t have to muster up that ability by yourself!

I like the format of fictional narrative woven into nonfiction format. Jill Eileen Smith gives us plenty to process, as we study the lives of women from the Old Testament. If you’re caught between the now and the not yet, she would tell you, it will all be worth the wait.

I am giving away not one, but two copies of She Walked Before Us to two readers in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held on Friday, January 22. Tell me about your favorite Biblical woman. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).


Disclosure of Material: I received a complimentary copy of this book from The Blog About Network book review program in exchange for a fair and honest review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Blog About

Book Review & a Giveaway: 7 Trials Every Woman Faces

7 Trials Every Woman Faces

Kathy Carlton Willis has completed her most vulnerable book, yet. 7 Trials Every Woman Faces comes packed with her wisdom, softened by wit and a wish for every woman to be affirmed in the trenches of life.

Author of Grin with Grace, The Grin Gal’s Guide to Joy, and The Ultimate Speaker’s Guide, Kathy Carlton Willis is an industry pro in the book world. Her work as a conference speaker spreads across the country as she coaches writers to a higher level of excellence.

In 7 Trials Every Woman Faces, Kathy comes alongside the reader by tackling times:

  • When I’m Doubted
  • When I’m Disrespected
  • When I’m Deserted
  • When I’m Deceived
  • When I’m Disappointed
  • When I’m Disabled
  • When I’m Destitute

If ever there was a year we needed encouragement, this is the one. Kathy’s approach to trials is realistic in the tough grace needed to confront them, as well as warm compassion to get through them. She acknowledges our best intentions are often misunderstood, but reminds us that only when we deal with our own struggles are we in a position to help others. This is the kind of honest talk you get when you read Kathy’s words, and yet find the frankness cushioned in the loving embrace of a friend. I love the way Kathy pulls truths from God’s Word to enhance our encounters with relationships and real life scenarios. And in the process, endears us to each other along the path.

I am giving away a copy of 7 Trials Every Woman Faces to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held on Saturday, December 19. And may your Christmas hold the promise of peace and the presence of Christ!


Disclaimer:  I received an Advance Reader’s Copy from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Kathy’s Interview with Marnie Swedberg

Book Review & a Giveaway: Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and other Domestic Abusers

Overcoming Domestic Abusers

Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and other Domestic Abusers is more than a textbook of abusive behavior. It is filled with hope for one who feels stuck. Chances are, you know someone who is in an abusive relationship, but don’t know how to help. Charlene Quint wrote Overcoming to equip you to be a true friend in a lonely situation.

Charlene Quint is a family law attorney in the Chicago area who focuses her practice on helping women overcome domestic abuse. She wrote Overcoming to help victims of domestic abuse become the fearless victors that God designed them to be. She is the founder of AbuseCare, a nondenominational faith-based organization designed to provide hope and healing to women on their journey from victim to victorious and to educate and equip churches in caring for victims of domestic abuse. She is a Certified Domestic Violence Professional, an advocate for victims of abuse, a facilitator of multiple support groups, and a domestic abuse survivor.”

I chose to participate in the book launch for Overcoming because of the stigma attached to abuse and women of faith. When her husband is active in the church, people have a hard time believing he is different behind closed doors. Who then, will come to the aid of the victim? Who will be her support system when her emotional and psychological bruises are unseen?

Thirty-four years ago, I helped a friend move out of her house while her husband was at work. She had physical bruises, yet people didn’t believe her because her husband was a prominent member of the medical community.

Charlene says, when no one believes the victim, “the church becomes a haven for wolves.”

How can we stand by when people are hurting? How can we turn our backs on those who need us most? I have often felt helpless to advocate for others, but Overcoming gives tools for recognizing the signs and tactics of abuse, removing victims safely from abusers, and recovering from abuse.

I appreciate the approach used to describe healthy behavior, as well as defining pathological deviations. How can you seek healthy relationships if all you’ve ever known was abusive? Charlene defines a healthy man who takes responsibility for his actions and protects his family. She points out Seven Principles of a Healthy Marriage, and the primary goals of an abuser. The contrasts create clear illustrations and provide affirmation in seeking safety.

Do you know someone in an abusive relationship? Maybe you haven’t recognized the signs. Overcoming will help you take a step to be a safe haven for one who needs your stability.

I am giving away a copy of Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and other Domestic Abusers to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held on Thursday, December 3. The holidays are a difficult time for someone who is hurting. Take the first step toward reaching out!


Disclosure of Material: I received a complimentary copy of this book from The Blog About Network book review program in exchange for a fair and honest review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Blog About

Book Review: Redeeming Love: The Companion Study

@WaterBrookMultnomah #Partner #sponsored #RedeemingLoveTheCompanionStudy #NetGalley

Redeeming Love: The Companion Study

Francine Rivers has a new release! Her classic, Redeeming Love, now has a companion study to dig deeper, and to flesh out the truths found in God’s Word. Redeeming Love is based on the narrative of Hosea and Gomer, set in Gold Rush-era California, and Francine says it is her testimony of a life transformed by God’s work.

Francine Rivers is the author of more than thirty books, including The Masterpiece, Bridge to Haven, and A Voice in the Wind. Her novels have been translated into over 30 different languages.

I was eager to see this study, because of the impact the book made on me years ago. Redeeming Love showed me how fiction can be a tool for piecing together chronicles from the Bible, and understanding human emotion behind the stories.

We long for real life & love that lasts.

Redeeming Love: The Companion Study takes the path “from brokenness to redemption and wholeness in Christ.”

It provides a compelling look behind the scenes of Michael (Hosea) and Angel’s (Gomer) meeting, into applications for today. Redeeming Love: The Companion Study tackles subjects of darkness and despair, defiance, rebellion, emotional trauma, exploitation, and the magnificent triumph of love. I liked the way Francine wove personal stories into each chapter of The Companion Study, giving a peek into her life, as well as illustrating Scripture’s personalization. She provides encouragement: “Sometimes we must struggle through the rough times of the present in order to appreciate what God will do in the future.”

She reminds us: “Humility is putting the needs of others before our own, acknowledging we don’t have all the answers, knowing life is a journey with God as soul companion and guide, and paying attention to others without feeling the need to draw attention to ourselves.”

And Francine says, “If you ever find yourself facing darkness and despair, know this: God is still watching and working. Your story is not finished.”

Redeeming Love: The Companion Study is a great complement to Redeeming Love!


Disclosure of Material: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the WaterBrook/Multnomah book review program in exchange for a fair and honest review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Waterbrook & Multnomah Reviewer

Book Review: The Light of His Presence

Do you feel inadequate as a prayer warrior? Anne Graham Lotz does, and she’s written The Light of His Presence: Prayers to Draw You Near to the Heart of God, as an expression of her heartfelt desire to lead us into the Throne Room, too.

Anne Graham Lotz says “Jesus is the answer to all of our ‘why?’ questions,” and is the author of Why?: Trusting God When You Don’t Understand. Chair of the National Day of Prayer Task Force 2016-2017, and daughter of evangelist Billy Graham, it may surprise you to know Anne says, “Prayer has been one of the greatest challenges of my Christian life.”

I find her admission reassuring, and basked in the peace that settled over me as I read her prayers. She reminded me, the world is in turmoil, but God is not.

Anne’s approach to prayer through worship, confession, thanksgiving, and intercession is familiar, yet Scripture is worded in such a way as to feel included in the conversation. She reminds us, “The purpose of prayer is not just to get answers. The purpose is to develop an intimate, personal relationship with the One who loves you…”

Do you need a reminder there is a God who is bigger than the turmoil around you?

“When everything familiar unravels… You are the Rock on which we stand.”

Do you need powerful Truths to cling to in uncertain times?

“In these days of desperation and confusion, we look to You and You alone.”

Do you feel like you’re the only one who can’t talk to God?

“I thank you. Like me, you have struggled in prayer but haven’t given up. My sincere prayer is that God will use this book to help you overcome your struggle as He draws you nearer to His heart.”

I resonate so much with Anne’s words and the tools she provides, including Appendix resources for growth and realigning with God’s purposes. She is straightforward and nudges me to reach for the best in my walk with God.

Get a copy of the book, kindle or audio, and let it be a part of your daily reading, meditating and conversing with the Lord!


Disclosure of Material: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the WaterBrook/Multnomah book review program in exchange for a fair and honest review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s CFR Title 16, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”