Book Review & A Giveaway: The Expectation Gap

The Expectation Gap says, “The key to managing expectations is to identify them and adjust them based on reality, not try to make reality conform to the expectations.”

The Expectation Gap was written by Jamie Hallman, CEO of a real estate business and world traveler. Jamie found herself enjoying others more for who they were when she took the burden of expectation out of the equation.

Jamie lays out a comprehensive guide to identifying and applying the tools to transform relationships. She says every relationship can benefit from identifying, setting, and communicating proper expectations.

I could relate to the need to identify, because expectations often lie below the surface until they are exposed by disappointment. How many times have we been hurt by something we didn’t know we wanted? Setting expectations is another way to establish boundaries in a relationship and helps us to know guidelines for relating to each other. Communicating expectations is the hardest part for me, knowing when it is appropriate to take that step in a relationship. Jamie helps the process by modeling the approach and follow up.

The Expectation Gap helps me see how interaction with my grands impacts their self-esteem. When I say, “You are smart, kind, sweet and I love spending time with you,” I am speaking into their character, and they will rise to fulfill that role. When I have unmet expectations in my marriage, I can be more mindful of interactions and notice my role in the interpretation of that expectation.

The Expectation Gap will encourage you in your quest toward your most authentic self and help you to dig deeper for transformation in yourself and with others.

I am giving away a copy of The Expectation Gap to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held on Thursday night, April 25. Tell me an example of a way to speak life into a relationship. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).


Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Book Review & A Giveaway: Purposeful Work, Blessed Rest

Purposeful Work, Blessed Rest says, “The world will often tell you that to find rest, you need to focus on yourself. Or that to find purposeful work, you need to look within. Don’t believe it! You will find true rest and purposeful work when you turn to God and focus on the beauty of His splendour.”

Purposeful Work, Blessed Rest was written by Anna Hawkes Cabral, a wife, mother of three, author, blogger, and podcaster. Anna writes about The Gospel, Identity, Motherhood, Rest, Purposeful Work, Slow Living, and Social Media, as well as articles about homemaking and motherhood, Christian poetry, and short stories for children. Anna lives with her family in Portugal.

Anna tackles the difficulty of finding rest while being busy, and asks, “Are there certain situations that you are trying to control…instead of asking God for His will?” She asserts, “Rest in God is not an absence of activity. It’s an absence of anxiety.”

Yes, anxiety can present itself as busyness instead of productivity, but as a steward of our time, Anna proposes we lay aside our self-sufficiency and anchor our hope to God. She reminds us it takes self-control to be silent—the real work of surrender.

Purposeful Work, Blessed Rest is an insightful collection of thought starters in the quest for rest and productivity. It’s packed full of brief reflections to lengthen time with God and equip us to stop striving. As we rest in God, we know He will fight our battles and those of our children. Anna says surrender is the work that pleases the Father!

I am giving away a copy of Purposeful Work, Blessed Rest to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held on Friday morning, March 22. Tell me a tip about how you’ve found balance in your quest for purposeful work and blessed rest. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).


Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

My Mom’s Famous Eggnog & More!

We’ve been having so much fun at the Launch Party for Renewed Christmas Blessings and I wanted to share Mom’s Eggnog Recipe with you. Our publisher, Michelle Rayburn did a great job with the printout!

We’re halfway through the 12 Days of Christmas and celebrating the stories and uniqueness of each tradition. You can order it online or get a signed copy from me. I’m happy to ship for your Christmas gift-giving.

Join the party through December 12, 2023.

Download the Recipes.

Order the book online or let me know in the comments if you want a signed copy.

Wishing you the best Christmas ever!

Book Review & A Giveaway: Until Then—Stories of Loss and Hope

Until Then—Stories of Loss and Hope brings a sense of camaraderie in the trenches of grief. Thirteen stories of the loss of a child tie together the purpose of showing God’s faithfulness in tragedy and unfailing love in the aftermath. For those who haven’t experienced the loss of a child, Until Then provides perspective in the need for a listening ear and a comforting shoulder to lean on.

The various authors are joined together by editors Dr. Gary and Laura House, founders of Our Hearts Are Home. After their son left earthly life, Laura and her husband, Gary, founded the Our Hearts Are Home ministry as a way to reach out to other bereaved parents.

The beauty of a variety of authors is found in the central message—each found hope and the renewed confidence that they would survive the unthinkable. John and Sharon said, “God supplied His peace, and we have hope, not a hopeless end, but an endless hope.” Molly found the Ultimate Treasure, Christ, and Melanie realized she could open her hands to bruising as well as blessing. Carol said, “Joy wins the day. It’s taken a long time for this to become a reality, for the joy and the sorrow to shift and change places. They coexist nicely now, both making room for the other when necessary.”

One especially helpful thought for me, Janet talked about the phrase “fear not.” “No one lays their fears to rest by simply telling themselves not to be afraid.” She talks about steps to take, then relying on the Holy Spirit to do the work necessary for the fear to dissipate.

All of the authors agreed that a community is essential for support in the grieving stages. Our Hearts Are Home is providing a conference for bereaved parents this weekend, October 13-14. The conference is available online with speakers and sessions to surround families with those who understand what they are processing. Take a look at this link.

I am giving away a copy of Until Then—Stories of Loss and Hope to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held on Friday morning, October 13. Tell me about your loved one who has gone ahead to heaven, or a verse that encourages your heart. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).

Sending hugs to you if you are currently on the path of grief. God knows and He cares.


Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the editor in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Put Fun in Your Fundraising

When you realize fundraising has been a lifetime endeavor, it takes on a new perspective. We have all been influencing others to support our causes in countless ways from the earliest days.

From giving toothless grins as babies, we learned cuteness counts. When we reached for the candy dish as toddlers, we learned to showboat the event for extra rewards. Over a lifetime of peddling products from a magazine to pizzas for school fund drives and bake sales for youth group trips, I’ve learned a few tricks for tapping other resources.

Here’s the thing. It’s not about getting money from people but about enlisting them to join you in the adventure like the church did in Acts 2:42-47.

  • Are the youth going to camp? Talk about the theme, topics, and growth anticipated.
  • Are the women planning a retreat? Mention their need for a getaway from life’s routines in order to foster community.
  • Does your church desire to build a gymnasium? Let people construct camaraderie while dreaming of lives touched through the art of play.

When you cast the vision for your project, you provide the narrative for the storyline. Write others into your story arc by telling them why you’re invested in it. Use the 5 Ws & an H to fill out the information.

Here are the answers to those questions from our Uganda Team:

Where: Eye Clinics to Uganda, East Africa

Who: Names of team members and Why they want to go

What: To provide eyeglasses, readers & sunglasses to about 1,000 people

When: January 2025

How: Donations of new clothing, used glasses, school supplies, sample size shampoos, and health aids to hand out.

Your passion fuels the story. Let others see your excitement and catch your enthusiasm. Put the fun into fundraising through your advertising by poking fun at your event.

  • When we host Spaghetti Dinners, we use memes of meatballs rolling away to the whimsical tune of “On Top of Spaghetti.”
  • Promos for our garage sale joke about overloaded trucks and bulging carts.
  • Our Chocolate Fest boasted of the Golden Ticket from Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

Let your contagious joy infect others as you spread the word of your event and purpose. Infuse people with infectious laughter as you bring the fun.

Speaking of fun, why not have a contest while you’re at it?

  • The winner of our Popcorn Sales gets bragging rights.
  • The winners at our sale’s Dump Your Junk Party compete for The Most Bizarre Item and The Best in Shape for Its Age Item. They win two scoop cones at our local shoppe.
  • The winner of our Calendar Sales Campaign for a candidate for MS Stem Cell Transplant won the calendar of their choice.

One year the pastor had to kiss a pig at VBS if the kids met their challenge. You can bet I didn’t want a kiss from my hubby after that celebration!

Think outside the box to make your contest appealing – a homemade pie, car detailing, or dinner with your family can entice more participation.

What types of fundraisers work? Try things that resonate with your team so all work together to get it off the ground.

Rock-a-Thon (sponsors donate per hours you stay in a rocking chair. Breaks permitted!), Spaghetti Dinner for the community, Carnival, Bottle & Can Drive, Quarter Drive (hand out plastic M&Ms tubes and ask people to turn them in filled with quarters), Bake Sale outside of a local store (some stores will donate to the cause), Craft Show (charge per table for vendors to sell their items. Sell concessions.), Chicken & Biscuit Dinner, sell Church Cookbooks, Worship Team Concert & Offering, Baked Goods for Thanksgiving Dinner (pies & breads), Basket Raffle with donations from businesses, Calendar Sales (

More ideas for brainstorming:

It may take a while to gain momentum, so be prepared to advertise months in advance. Most of all, keep it relational. When you include others in your story, they will take ownership and partner with you in your venture.

One more story. Our church issued a Backpack Challenge for members to fill backpacks with school supplies. One little girl turned in hers with a request. She had added clothes her size for another girl to have for the first days of school. Our youth pastor agreed to pray for that specific recipient. Later that week, she received a call from a local agency. Guess what they asked for? Yep, that specific size was needed for a little girl! Two gals learned about the power of prayer and that God cares about the details, when one responded to a fundraiser.

The next time you’re worried about being too salesy, remember who you’re serving and bring along the shenanigans!

How will you add fun to your fundraising?


Meet Mandy Farmer!

Guest Post. Meet Author Mandy Farmer! I’m happy to have her join us today.

Mandy Farmer

Mrs. Mandy (as the children call her) is passionate about children, animals, and music. She grew up on the family farm in Louisville, Ohio and Cambria, Wisconsin. After 25 years of pastoral ministry, she and her husband have retired to Savannah GA near their adult children. Mandy blogs about chronic pain and she is working on a children’s book about fibromyalgia- Soft Hugs for Mommy is close to being released. Also, in the works is a devotional book for the chronically ill.

Holly, the Holstein Talks About Milk Cows

The Birth of Holly the Holstein

Who knew that a simple favor to a friend could grow into a children’s book that the children love? Only God.

At the beginning of the year, I was determined to get busy writing and compiling my devotions for a book. For several reasons, I decided I would self-publish. I attended a writer’s workshop where I met a young mom. She created a course for homeschoolers to help moms encourage their children to write and publish their stories. She asked me to be a BETA tester. Thinking it would be a good introduction into the self-publishing world, I said yes. It was a wonderfully fun experience and I ended up with Holly the Holstein Talks About Milk Cows. The course is now available at

I grew up on a family dairy farm and always had a passion for animals. So, when we came together to decide what to write about, this was only natural. I figured I would sell a dozen books to family and friends but before I knew it Holly was quite popular. In the first week, the book ranked number 10 in one category on Amazon. So, I created a Facebook page and a website offering free coloring pages. Then the reviews started coming in…

“I have to read this book ten times a day to my kids!”

“My grandkids take this book on their car trips.”

“Every night without fail, this is the book the kids want to read.”

When you read this book, you will meet Holly the Holstein and learn about the life of a milk cow on a family farm. This book is interactive, in that, Holly questions the reader throughout while she explains how much milk she produces, how much food she needs, and where the milk ends up.

Ideas for more Holly books are flooding my brain and I hope to offer more in a series very soon. There will be titles like, “A Day in the Life of a Milk Cow” and “Holly and her Farm Friends.”

Thank you for dropping by, Mandy!


Facebook Pages

Mandy Dawson Farmer Mandy Dawson Farmer | Facebook

Fibromyalgia Is it for Real? Fibromyalgia Is it For Real? | Facebook

Websites – Holly’s Book Club

Follow Mandy’s Writing journey and know what’s coming next at

Book Review & A Giveaway: Renewal of the Mind

Renewal of the Mind

Renewal of the Mind is a twenty-eight-day guide to a new mindset. It provides a place to implement change with journaling, prayer and God’s Word. The author, Jacob Bowker affirms God wants a connection with us because He created us to be in relationship with Him. This guide is a tool toward experiencing community with the Lord.

Jacob Bowker is an artist, author and musician with a heart to bring transformation to culture and lives. “He is a member of the board of Story Ministry and in charge of ministry programs and development. Jacob has 20+ years of experience in media, marketing, business development, and launching start-ups. He has a son who is in a mental health hospital, and through his journey with his son, he grew a heart for individuals dealing with drug addiction and mental health.”

Do you want to give up when trying to make change in your life? Jacob says, “Transformation is not about the amount of time it takes but to make sure the transformation is complete.” He adds, “Complete transformation is not just fixing the areas we have conditioned, but also living how God asks us to live and how Jesus showed us to live.”

5 Minute Mental Health Check

Jacob reminds us change requires structure, organization, and truth. He provides that while celebrating daily wins and says they build confidence for the long-term results desired.  Jacob says, “Celebrating the small wins helps us to see the blessings God is providing daily.”

If you are looking for a breakthrough in your mental, spiritual or physical stamina, then Renewal of the Mind might be just what you’re looking for. I am giving away not one, but two copies of Renewal of the Mind to two readers in the continental United States. Leave a comment on my blog (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held on Monday, March 20. Tell me a verse that encourages your heart. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).


Disclaimer: I received copies of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Meet Eric Speir!

Guest Post. Meet Author Eric Speir! I’m happy to have him join us today.

Eric Speir is a writer, pastor, and Bible college professor. He’s been a freelance writer for various publications, including Relevant Magazine, Charisma, FivestarMan, Family Share, and His books include Grit and Grace and The Struggling Parent. Eric holds a Doctor of Ministry degree in leadership development and creative communication. He and his wife, Roshelle, have four children and live near Atlanta, GA. You can sign up for a free daily devotional and learn more about Eric at

The Struggling Parent

About the Book:

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. It can be the most rewarding experience, and at the same time, it can be the most discouraging. Recently, the author found himself going through a season of difficulty with his teenagers. At times he felt helpless and hopeless as he witnessed their struggles and as he felt the tension in their relationship. During this challenging season, the author began to search God’s word for encouragement.

In a season of desperation, the author began searching God’s Word for promises related to families and children. He began to compile a list of scriptures and began to pray over the lives of his children. During this time, the author talked to several other parents who were going through similar struggles. Surprisingly many of these families looked perfect on the outside, but on the inside, they were also struggling. It was in a morning of prayer when the Lord whispered to the author to write the devotional book to encourage other parents facing similar struggles.

The author has four children, two of them teenagers, and he has spent the last fifteen years pastoring and teaching young adults at the university level. Over the years, he has personally experienced the heartache of parenting and encouraged many parents who have struggled with their children.

The Struggling Parent is a 30-day devotional for parents facing struggles with their children. Whether you have tweens, teens, or adult children, this book will help you to develop your parenting grit. You will be encouraged to move past your feelings to praying the promises through God’s Word. You will understand that even when you do not know what to say, you can say what God has already said.

The Struggling Parent is ideal for those:

  • Parents who are struggling with how to pray for their teenager or adult child.
  • Parents who are facing relationship struggles with their children.
  • Parents who are dealing with a wayward child.

The Struggling Parent is not a formula for how to have a new kid by the weekend. It’s a devotional book written for parents who need a breath of fresh air for their souls. While it may not promise an immediate turnaround in your family, it can provide peace for the journey.

Book Drawing!

Eric is giving away a copy of The Struggling Parent to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment here (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held Monday evening, October 31. Tell me something that encourages you as a parent. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).

Thank you for dropping by, Eric!


Meet L.A. Darroch!

Guest Post. Meet Author L.A. Darroch! I’m happy to have her join us today.

L.A. Darroch

L.A. Darroch is a Christian author with a heart for the persecuted church and other stories that touch the hearts of readers for God’s glory. She seeks to use her writing to encourage readers to “Speak Life.” She credits her late father with introducing her to a passion for reading, which led her to pursue a B.A. in English, with a focus on creative writing. She lives in Winnipeg, Canada and is owned by a very smart cat named Bathsheba. Besides writing and reading, she enjoys history, playing tennis and spending time with Bathsheba, family and close friends.

The Road From Damascus

About the Book:

The Road from Damascus: The Inspiration Behind the Novel

The inspiration for The Road from Damascus came to me during the height of ISIS’s rise to power. I saw the persecution of Christians in Iraq and Syria were experiencing while watching CBN in 2015 and I felt a burden for them. I began following what was happening through charities that serve persecuted Christians, including Open Doors. Through the information I received from the charities and various news articles, I discovered the plight of not only my brothers and sisters in Syria, but in many nations around the world where it isn’t safe to follow Jesus.

I’ve always been a very sensitive person. Their stories of pain, struggle and triumph for Christ amid persecution drew me in. I read as many as I could, drawing inspiration for my struggle with depression. During this time I wrote emails to several officials in the Canadian government begging them to give special priority to religious minorities, including Christians, for resettlement. I received no response.

I wanted people to understand the struggle of Christians in the Middle East. So many people in the west just didn’t know or understand, even those in the churches. I wanted to share what I knew with others to help them connect with the persecuted on a personal level. I’ve always loved writing and storytelling and I wanted to write a novel someday.

I decided to write it from the perspective of a 14-year-old Christian girl whose family was attacked by ISIS. I started my first draft solely from Istir’s perspective, but as I continued writing, I discovered new events that Istir couldn’t fill in because she wasn’t there. It was at that point that I knew I needed to rewrite and add other character perspectives. I wasn’t expecting that, but God led me and it resulted in a much more insightful and emotional story. It was through this that I discovered the reason for the title, The Road from Damascus. Though I won’t reveal the reason here, because it would spoil the book.

Thank you for dropping by, L.A! Check out her Amazon Author Page: and be inspired to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world!


Meet Beth Jones!

Guest Post. Meet Author Beth Jones! I’m happy to have her join us today.

Beth is an International Speaker and Author of 25 books, wife to fire chief-paramedic Ray, and mom of 3 beautiful daughters, Heather, Eden, and Leah. Beth’s mission is encouraging women to use their gifts for God’s glory, fulfilling their purpose, and living a life they love. You can find out more about Beth’s speaking at women’s conferences, retreats, and online events at Her Amazon Author Page is at

Walking With God

About the Book:

Have you ever prayed for something, and the answer(s) didn’t come? You wondered if God has taken the day off, is on vacation to a tropical island somewhere, or worse, He doesn’t notice you or just doesn’t care about you. Does prayer even work? Indeed, it does. Prayer is like dynamite power!

In Beth M. Jones’ book, Walking With God, she shares God has given to you and me an invitation, to just be with Him every day in the quiet, secret place of prayer. (Psalm 91) Through hers and her family’s difficulties in life, Beth has been in the trenches of spiritual warfare for years.

Her hard, painful marriage, severe financial issues, a house foreclosure and bankruptcy, medical problems with her children, heartaches, false accusations and attacks against her, and more, Beth has persevered with faith in Jesus.

Beth has learned the secret power of prayer and simple, childlike trust in God and His word, the Bible. She has a lifestyle of prayer, based on Philippians 4:6-7, New Living Translation:

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Beth has been writing since childhood, but she wrote this book out of her personal experience in the “war zones” of life, praying for herself, her family, and others, and seeing God’s mighty power at work in response to her cries for His help.

You too can discover this amazing force of prayer and trusting Jesus, and know the joy of answered prayers, even God’s miracles. God wants to answer your prayers.

You will discover what to do when your prayers seem delayed. You will learn the key to fulfilling your destiny and your great purpose in Christ. Jesus is holding the door of intimacy with Him wide open. Will you enter in?

Book Drawing!

Beth is giving away a copy of Walking With God to one reader in the continental United States. Leave a comment here (at the top of this post, under the title). You will be entered into the drawing to be held Monday evening, October 3. Tell me a Psalm that draws you into prayer. Get an extra chance to win, when you share this post on social media (let me know where).

Thank you for dropping by, Beth!


Help for the Helper: Purpose for the Planner, Respite & Renewal for the Caregiver

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