Scores of books and articles have been written on how to get published. So maybe, you don’t need me to tell you how, but to encourage you, that you can do it!
1. Set goals. If you write one page every day for a year, you’ll have 365 pages! I have kept a desk calendar at different times, just for word count and submission goals.
2. Be disciplined. You have to put your seat in the chair and stay there! Use a timer and then reward yourself with a stretch break. Find what helps to keep you on task.
3. Outline. Edna Ellison and Linda Gilden say “an effective outline can help you stay on track and focus on your topic.” Break your subject down into three or five major areas. Then begin filling in the gaps with stories and essential points. Edit until it sings.
I used this method for the article in Women of Worth: Sugar & Spice, and it helped me meet my deadline!
4. You can find ways to get published when you email the editor. What are their editorial needs? How do you get on their author rotation? I did this with Light From The Word, and was able to land an assignment for seven devotionals when I sent samples of my work.
5. Visualize your audience and write to that person. If you’re writing for young moms, then you’ll use examples from when your kids were toddlers. Edit out big words when writing for children. Watch for slang that won’t relate to senior citizens.
Oddly, when you look at writers on writing, they focus more on developing your craft, than on finding a publisher.
Point taken, you’ll get published when you know how to write.
Ellison and Gilden ask, “Do you see your writing as a ministry? Then, who can you serve? How can you help? Where can you enlighten? What can you teach? When can you encourage? Why have you been given the gift of words? Is it to keep them to yourself, or for the benefit of others?”
If for the benefit of others, then do so with excellence!
Helpful Resources:
For The Write Reason: Marybeth Whalen
WriterSpeaker.com: Carmen Leal
Write His Answer: Marlene Bagnull
The Complete Guide to Christian Writing and Speaking: Susan Titus Osborn
Called to Write: Edna Ellison & Linda Gilden
The Art of War for Writers: James Scott Bell
Funds for Writers: C. Hope Clark