What would life be like if you had blurry vision all of the time? It would be normal for you, because you never knew it could be any different. Suppose someone gave you a pair of glasses, and you could see for the first time? Would you be excited? You bet your eyesight, you would!
In 10 short months, our Uganda Mission Team will leave for Africa with a medical professional to lead Eye Clinics. There, we will measure for visual acuity and fit patients with prescriptions for sight. In a five step process, our team will evaluate different levels of eye health.
It reminds me of the story in Mark 8:22-25 where Jesus healed a blind man in stages. My NIV footnotes say this two-step process is indicative of our blindness: “Many persons with normal eyesight are spiritually blind.”
What has blinded me to Truth? Ego, pride, an independent spirit? I’m praying for new eyes to see the hand of God at work.
Did you know young adults in Third World Countries struggle with cataracts because of the intensity of the sun?
Would you do two things for us?
~ Pray for the Team traveling to Uganda March 3-16, 2018.
~ Collect glasses, readers & sunglasses & mail them to Busti Church of God 996 Forest Ave Ext. Jamestown NY 14701 before November 1 so that we have time to label the glasses with prescription strength.
Thank you for partnering with us!
To Uganda or Bust!!
This trip was postponed. The new date is March 16-29, 2019.
The process of getting the glasses ready is pretty extensive. So, we are done collecting glasses, but have room in the suitcase for more sunglasses. Sunglasses protect eyes against the harmful rays of the sun that cause cataracts!