I like to know what’s coming. It’s a form of control, I suppose, and lets me believe I am able to keep a handle on the uncontrollable aspects of life. But it’s an illusion. And it cheats me out of a deeper relationship with the Lord when I rely on my own resources.
This independence is highlighted while I write a Bible study for caregivers. I think in short bites, but a whole book requires volumes of words. I despair of coming up short.
Monday night at Writers Group, we talked about Edie Melson’s prompt from Hebrews 11:1, “What does writing in faith mean to me?”
Do I believe God provides the words? Am I writing in faith that He opens the doors?
Cindy Hess Kasper’s devotion in Our Daily Bread “reminds us to bring what we have, even when it seems to be insignificant.”
She tells the story of the disciples’ assignment in John 6:1-14. They stumbled upon the boy in the crowd who brought his sack lunch, but Jesus knew he was there with willing hands and heart. Cindy quotes an unknown source who said, “You don’t have to feed the five thousand. You just have to bring your loaves and fishes.”
If I release control to the Lord’s purposes for this Bible study, then He will feed others with His words. I don’t have to have it all figured out; I just bring my words, willingly, and He does the nourishing.
What are you asking God to multiply? Tell me in the comments.
Here’s my Writer’s Hall of Fame:
In faith, I am asking God for the theme.
In faith, I am trusting He will supply the word count.
In faith, I am asking whether I should self-pub or traditionally publish.
In faith, I am sharing stories of difficult times, so that it can encourage others.
In faith, I am seeking to unlock scripture to bring it alive for readers.
In faith, I am trusting God will provide the audience.
In faith, I am following the call to write.
In faith, I am using creative expression.
In faith, I am developing skill with the craft.
In faith, I will obey with my sardines and crackers.
By faith, I am a writer.
Sally Ferguson
Beautiful Sally! What I needed to hear today. Encouraging words 🤗!
Thank you, Mary. We’re in this race together!